Ken S.’s Journey at Anthesis

If you ask Ken S. what the 3 most important things are to him, he would tell you: Anthesis, his family and Vince’s Spaghetti. 

Ken S. started at Anthesis, then PVW, on February 2, 1982. Anthesis has always been Ken’s home away from home and he has been in multiple programs—from starting in the Work Activity Program, to the Supported Employment Program, to now being in the ‘Round About Senior Services (‘RASS) program.

At ‘RASS, the goal is to assist individuals to do the things they enjoy so they are able to maintain their skills and remain an active member of their communities, even during COVID-19. Anthesis’ RASS program is specifically geared towards providing senior citizens with disabilities (ages 50 and up) with care, age-appropriate activities, and daily socialization to maintain skills and enjoy retirement. With the assistance of his instructor, Ken has learned to Zoom and he is proud that he has learned to attend Zoom activities on his own which enables him to not miss any activities.  Throughout the entire time receiving remote services, Ken maintained his relationships with program friends and even met new friends from the program. Now that in-person services are back, Ken is looking forward to being able to do outings he loves–bowling, visiting museums, doing scavenger hunts, fishing and especially going to the Quakes games.

During his time at Anthesis, Ken has expressed that his goals have been to maintain an active life and to be a contributing member to his community. With this goal in mind, Ken was ecstatic to find out that Anthesis was creating an Aktion Club. Ken was one of the first 24 members of the Inland Empire Aktion Club that was chartered in 2007-2008 Kiwanis Year. With his commitment to being involved in his community, Ken has remained active with the Fundraising & Service Committees of IE Aktion Club and offers great suggestions and ideas. Ken currently holds the position as the Vice-President for Inland Empire Aktion Club and participates in fundraising and service projects. 

Ken has had a multifaceted experience while at Anthesis. With providing resources for Ken to grow and experience opportunities to explore all his passions, Ken’s ability to share his passions is an inspiration to everyone around him. Anthesis is proud to continue supporting Ken to be the best he can be by supporting him to do what he loves to do:  Being a part of our Anthesis Community.