Miguel, you came to Anthesis on November 11, 2014. What did you do before you came to Anthesis?
Miguel V. attend Montclair High School and helped his mother at home with small chores around the house, playing with his cousins and looking for a place to work like Anthesis.
What do you like the most about participating at the ADC?
Miguel V. enjoys Fishing with Friends at the Cucamonga Guasti Regional Park with all his friends and he enjoys bowling, but especially loves eating their giant hot pizza at the bowling alley.
What are your hobbies? What are the things you like to do?
I love to go shopping for color pencils and Marvel and Adult coloring books with fun designs. I also love helping out my friends and instructors with shopping for the program like refilling drinks and buy decorations for the parties. I enjoy going on walks where I can see the lakes and animals.
Who are your favorite people?
My instructors because they always include me and always find new things for us to do. They took me to Los Angeles county fair, the pumpkin patch, and to see a 300 pound tortuous who lives on the plant sanctuary on the top of the roof at the Highland San Bernardino County Library.
Thank you for your interview Miguel. It’s so great to be able to provide you services!