October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and here at Anthesis we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate and highlight the various participants that Anthesis has been able to help employ and the companies that Anthesis has been able to partner with to employ the various individuals, as well. 2020 marks the 75th year that the National Disability Employment Awareness Month has been observed.
As mentioned by the US Department of Labor, “National Disability Employment Awareness Month celebrates America’s workers with disabilities and reminds employers of the importance of inclusive hiring practices.”
This years’ theme of celebrating 75 years of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is “Increasing Access and Opportunity.” Anthesis is excited to be able to exemplify that theme through the various programs and activities that Anthesis is able to offer. With the many individuals that Anthesis has been able to help become employed and by creating the tools for many others to become job ready, Anthesis would like to encourage everyone to become knowledgeable on how they too can become involved with practicing inclusive hiring practices.
There are many ways that you can highlight the importance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. For educators, among many other ways, you can hold discussions and educate about disability history. For employers, you can review policies and educate managers and staff on the event.
Please read more about National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2020 by clicking here.