We have several sponsorship opportunities for local businesses.
Anthesis sponsorship opportunities at its annual run/walk.
Sponsorship Opportunities for Local Businesses

As a nonprofit organization, Anthesis relies on generous sponsorships and corporate donations. These funds help bridge the funding gap as we continue to see a reduction in financial support from state and federal agencies. Because of this generosity, we can continue to provide much-needed support and services to people with disabilities.

While we have many activities and fundraisers throughout the year, two special annual events have become our major fundraisers. These events, held in the spring and the fall, have multiple levels of sponsorship opportunities. They are also some of our organization’s favorite events.

Sponsorship table at Anthesis Annual Dinner.

Held in March, the Annual Dinner is easily our most anticipated event. This dinner brings together participants, friends and families, and notable representatives in our community in celebration and gratitude.

During this dinner, we thank those who have made important contributions to our programs in the past year. We also take time to learn about the significant strides that have been made by the participants we serve. In our awards presentation, we pay tribute to an employer, volunteer site, and a program participant that we feel exemplifies the spirit of Anthesis or who has gone above and beyond with their support to our organization. We invite you to read about some of our past award recipients here.


We invite you to

← call and tell us about your sponsorship ideas. Else, if you would like to sponsor an event or make a corporate donation, please contact Ariana Carter.