Cliff Belknap began his career in 1994 when Anthesis was known as Pomona Valley Workshop. Throughout these years, Cliff continues to be a dedicated employee and dedicated advocate for our program participants. He is compassionate, patient and kind towards all program participants that have crossed his path, and remains so even when he is faced with the toughest behaviors. Cliff is well liked by all of our participants and have some that absolutely love going out with him, every day if they could. Cliff is always willing to adjust his day if need be, whether it be changes to the participants he has for the day or changes to the program day itself. Cliff’s extensive experience is a valuable asset to management and to the co-workers who wish to learn from him. He is generous in offering guidance and suggestions to anyone who asks when the help and/or support is needed.
Throughout the years, Cliff has seen a number of changes, including, rate cuts to wages to help Anthesis and staff members survive the 2008/2009 economic downturn; the transportation program added to provide better service to our participants; setting a rotation schedule to the ADC and RASS so that our Instructors and Senior Companion get to know all of our day program participants; the wage restoration; our company name change, and one of the biggest of all, the closing of the Anthesis WAP program. This was a tough period for Anthesis participants, staff and management yet Cliff could be counted on to find the bright side. Thankfully he was not shy about sharing his positivity with all involved. And Cliff sharing his positivity at that time was not/is not an isolated event. Cliff looks for and shares the positive in all scenarios and is kind with his appreciation for what Anthesis management can offer as a company, no matter how small the gesture may be. Thank you Cliff for your service and dedication to Anthesis.