Armando Rangel was employed at Anthesis in 2019 and has since made tremendous efforts towards helping our participants in both the ‘Round About Senior Services (RASS)and Adult Development Center (ADC) program grow. Prior to working with Anthesis, Armando gained his passion of working with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through volunteering at a program in his high school called ‘Best Buddies Club’. This club allowed Armando to work with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Armando was the secretary of Best Buddies and planned a variety of social activities and events–like walks, proms, and fundraisers. Armando loved his experience being a part of the Best Buddies Club and is proud to have been able to provide a safe but fun environment for his fellow students with disabilities.
After graduating high school, Armando was excited to find a job opportunity at Anthesis. He was interested in applying because of Anthesis’ mission, which is to is to support independent and inclusive lives for adults with disabilities through employment and community integration. From first being hired as an Instructor/Senior Companion, Armando was quickly promoted to Program Assistant only 6 months after being hired.
Since being promoted, Armando’s creativity truly shines. He creates fun and exciting learning opportunities for our participants. Armando enjoys his job because not only is he able to work with participants, but he is able to explore ideas and think outside the box. Throughout ADC and RASS providing remote services, Armando played a significant role in transitioning the day programs to being virtual. With starting (and running) the ADC/RASS Zoom calendar, staff and participants were able to organize their schedules. Because of his amazing efforts, participants were able to continue receiving scheduled programming and opportunities to socialize with their program friends.
Armando’s passion and dedication to helping create equal opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities has not gone unnoticed. He has proven to be a valuable member of the Anthesis team.
Thank you, Armando, for striving to make a difference in the lives of our participants!