Before being a part of Anthesis, Brenda A. did not have the best outlook on life. She lacked the resources needed to be fully independent and could not participate in the activities that she was interested in. Without support, Brenda was not able to be an active member of the community. Brenda is very close to her immediate family, especially her mom whom she lives next door to, and they all wanted to see her expand her horizons and be able to experience more of life. Brenda has been able to live independently in her own apartment, however, she still needed resources and support to grow.
Brenda joined Anthesis in 2000 as part of the Work Activity Program and later became part of the Adult Development Center, also known as ADC in 2018. ADC is a day program that offers unique person-centered services, life skills training, and community integration opportunities. Through ADC, adults with disabilities gain valuable opportunities, like being able to volunteer in the community. Brenda attends ADC three days a week. The ADC focuses on person-centered thinking and getting to know what is important to the individual. Whether an individual has interest in finding a job or volunteering in their community, the staff at ADC helps to support and achieve their goals. To help individual reach their goals, ADC provides social activities, community integration, and enrichment programs. From Brenda’s person-centered meeting where her goals were discussed, Brenda was able to advocate that it was important for her to have Anthesis’ support and to be involved in helping her community. As a result, Brenda has been able to receive the support she needs to do daily activities of her choice. Because ADC focuses on person centered thinking, Brenda has the ability to have easier access to her favorite activities, like going to Starbucks to order her iced upside-down caramel macchiato with one shot and a side of whipped cream.
While ordering your favorite macchiato is not to be overlooked, Brenda has also been able to engage in important volunteer service through the Kiwianis Inland Empire Aktion Club. The mission of the Aktion Club is to provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative, leadership skills and to serve their communities. Brenda’s involvement in Aktion Club since its formation has strengthened her leadership skills and she has grown to become the President of the club. Brenda leads two monthly Aktion Club meetings and attends the monthly division 15 district council meetings. Brenda once felt like she did not have the support she needed to advocate for herself, and through her involvement with Anthesis she is now advocating for herself and others! Her involvement in Anthesis and Aktion Club have inspired Brenda to become aware of her personal strengths and voice. Under Brenda’s leadership, Aktion Club has been involved in numerous service projects including creating hygiene kits for Operation Community Cares and prepping meals at the Ronald McDonald House. Not only has Brenda been able to be involved in her community, but she has chosen to volunteer her time to Anthesis, as well. She has volunteered for the Power of the Flower Festivals and has taken photos at the monthly dances.
Brenda’s leadership skills are what people like and admire best about her. Her ability to volunteer and provide community service through Anthesis & the Inland Empire Aktion Club earned her a seat to ride on the Kiwanis International Rose Parade Float at the 2020 Annual Rose Parade in Pasadena. Anthesis supports Brenda to be the best she can be by supporting her to do what she loves to do: Being a part of her Community! Thanks to the support of the staff at ADC and Aktion Club, Brenda is achieving her goals. She has resources needed to achieve her goals. Brenda has grown tremendously. Next time you are volunteering at Anthesis or in the community, keep an eye out for Brenda, there is a good chance she will be there volunteering too!