We’ve all heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday— but have you heard of Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that is held each year on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year it falls on Tuesday November 30th. After gathering with family and shopping for bargains, this is an opportunity to kick off a season of gratitude by giving back to your favorite charity (we very much hope Anthesis is yours!). #GIVINGTUESDAY is a movement to inspire generosity worldwide with a shared mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life, so why not bring some holiday excitement to participants at Anthesis!
This past year was unfortunately another tough year for Anthesis participants as they navigated the challenges of getting back to “normal” while managing the complexities of life in the era of COVID. Please join Anthesis on this Global Day of Giving, as we will be fundraising to send our very deserving participants to enjoy the holiday magic of the Snoopy on Ice Show at Knott’s Berry Farm. This may seem like a just a regular outing to you, but for many of our participants this is a very very special event because as for many, this event would not be financially possible and to top it off, it can only happen because of you! The Anthesis Board of Directors has generously offered to match Giving Tuesday donations, so any gift you make will have twice the impact!
Unfortunately, last year due to COVID-19, holiday celebrations were limited and only celebrated virtually. With your help, we could make this year extra special! Your gift will provide holiday cheer to participants who are having a difficult time transitioning out of COVID with COVID related changes. Join us in creating the opportunity for adults with disabilities to experience a magical holiday show and make this year transitioning back to in-person services a memorable one!
Your support matters! Please consider supporting Anthesis’ Giving Tuesday campaign. It’s only through your generosity that we can continue our mission to support independent and inclusive lives for adults with disabilities through employment and community integration. If you are in a position to do so, please bringing some joy to the holidays of Anthesis’ participants!