Matthew G. from the Adult Development Center (ADC) program works with his instructor, Gina C., to set goals and make progress towards accomplishing them. Right now, one of Matthew’s goals is to learn how to prepare easy treats and meals for himself. June 20 marks the first day of summer, so Matthew and Gina thought of a delicious idea: create their very own summer treat! Check out how to make Matthew’s signature Mango Kiwi Tornado!

1. The Good Stuff.
Start by adding three to four scoops of mango sorbet into a cup.

2. Make it Fruity!
Cut fresh fruit of your choice into small chunks. Matthew recommends adding in mango, strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi as it goes perfect with the mango sorbet.

3. Spice it up!
Add an extra scoop of Mango Sorbet on top of your cut fruit and finish it off with a drizzle of chamoy and a few dashes of Tajin on top.

4. Show it off!
With your easy summer treat fully built, show it off to your friends and loved ones before digging in! Matthew was ready to show it off to his housemates before enjoying his well-deserved and hard-earned summer treat! You don’t want to miss out on this yummy recipe!